Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What did Anne say?

Anne Frank wrote. "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart." I think she was right. And if she could be that optimistic during the horrific reign of the Nazis, we should be able to take heart against American bigotry. I think that these narrow-minded evangelicals, homophobes, and racists are a shrinking and shriveling minority. The only reason so many Republicans give them any credibility is because they think the same way and cannot see the greater good of the American people. In recent years America has greatly embraced gay marriage; they have turned out en masse to protest racial bigotry; leading corporations have publicly expressed outrage at unfair laws. Barack Obama is our president, elected twice. Bigoted celebrities  like Ted Nugent are the very rare and ridiculed exception.  Fox News, though popular with conservatives,  is not a respected network but a media joke. Even today a cop was arrested and charged with murder rather than being given a pass on killing an innocent man. While the Republicans are denying climate change, thousand of people world-wide are working on solutions. Sadly the lazy media has no interest in promoting good news so we are more often inundated with dismal stories that makes us pessimistic and paranoid. But I'm sure if they did report all the good things that happen every day we would think, like Anne, that people are really good at heart.

P.S. Enjoy this moment of positivism from me. I can't guarantee it will last.

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