Friday, March 26, 2021


The Creepublicans are constantly trying to portray Joe Biden at 78 as dotty because he makes the same kind of harmless errors that men of fifty make. It just doesn't wash. Which is why they were so disappointed at his brilliant control of facts yesterday. They seem to ignore the fact that  Republican Senator Grassley is 87 years old, an age at which he would have been long retired from most companies. At nine years older than Biden why do they allow this old man to vote or deliver any speeches? Because he's still lucid as is Biden. If they're looking for old men who are not lucid, check out Mitch McConnell who at 80 years old as about as bitter an old codger as any chasing kids off his property. And of course their hero Trump is in his mid seventies, and he lost his faculties decades ago. The Creepublicans are immature, spiteful, and mean, behaving like spoiled children who have not yet discovered etiquette and fairness and want everyone else's toys. They are destructive and will trash our country to get their way, using any excuse possible to vilify honorable men like Biden.They must be disciplined.

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