Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 From the evidence I have seen so far in the Cuomo complaints case, it seems like much ado about nothing. Andrew Cuomo, like me, grew up at a time when you could compliment women without it seeming like an attack. Hug a woman  without her going to the police. At 87, I myself, have given many women I worked with over the decades a spontaneous neck rub without them going into a panic. Women are demanding equality, which they should, so if a guy makes a move you don't like speak up. How difficult is it to say, "That bothers me. Don't do it again." Isn't that better than trying to ruin his life and destroy his career. Today's woman should not be the delicate, defenseless blossom of yesterday. Cuomo is also Italian and probably grew up in a culture where kissing wasn't seen as the first step to rape. The man has apologized. Get over it and see if he changes his affectionate ways. Trump did outrageous things to women, including raping a victim in a department store dressing room, which is rarely discussed and still not punished. So why is everyone up in arms by a non-threatening kiss on the cheek? an actual pass? or any once-acceptable action that tells a woman she's attractive or liked. If you want to see disgusting male behavior, watch reruns of The Big Bang Theory. Howard is a prime predator, who makes all kinds of disgusting, improper comments and passes. But he's supposed to be amusing. And apparently millions of Americans find him such.  Still the example women should take from that series is Penny, who is the subject of all kinds of sexual allusions, and either ignores them or takes strong action to repel any unwanted advance. Let's save our outrage for the truly outrageous.

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