Saturday, March 6, 2021


 Well they're still struggling with the relief bill. It seems that Joe Manchin of West Virginia doesn't want people in need of help to get $400 a week, though, being a millionaire, he has no idea what it is to be in dire need of money. So because of his indifference, they're rewriting the bill. But then the entire Senate has lots of millionaires. Maybe that's not a good idea, hard-working people being dominated by essentially lazy parasites who can't relate to a missed rent payment, an overdue utility bill, or not being able to afford that expensive toy your child wants. Being a country of haves and have-nots is not so terrible when the haves care about the have-nots as many, like the Gates, do. But it's the cold-hearted Manchins, money-grubbing McConnell's, and other smug wealthy Republicans that don't care that makes life difficult for those not lucky enough or educated enough to have amassed their own fortune. By the way Mitch McConnell is so cynical and so out of touch with Americans that he thinks getting that princely $300 a week will make recipients not want to work. That's how sick he is. 

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