Friday, March 19, 2021


 It's no surprise that former Florida state senator, Frank Artiles was recently arrested for pulling a scam to get a Republican elected to the state senate. It seems the only way for Republicans to win anymore is to cheat, steal, lie, change voting rules, close voting stations, cancel voting days, or shorten voting hours. Why hang around in such an impotent party that has no relevance, no respect, no honest wins? You would think they would have at least voted for the Covid relief bill, rather than letting an entire country see how cheap and mean-spirited they are. But that would have taken foresight. You think they would have made a pretense of respecting blacks, but it just wasn't in them. So here we have it, one news item after another of a sham election, an attempt to get black voters off the rolls,  and any number of devious "oilcan Harry" moves to unfairly get Republicans in office. Here's hoping that come November or any upcoming election, the deceitful racist Republicans will be heard snarling...

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