Sunday, January 17, 2016


This week on Real Time with Bill Maher, the interview guest was Al Gore. I am delighted that Bill Maher introduced him as the 43rd President of the United States, which is what he was. There is no question that the presidency was stolen from him with the help of political thugs, Governor Jeb Bush, and the collusion of the Supreme Court. Sadly it was much more than a theft. It had terrible consequences. Because if Gore had served as president, we never would have gone to Iraq, those thousands of young Americans wouldn't have died in Iraq, nor would all those innocent civilians who would probably still be living under Saddam's rule, we would have made greater strides in combating global warming, and terrorists groups like ISIS would never have gotten the foothold nor the weapons nor the vehicles nor the hatred that was made possible by George Bush. And I don't doubt that Al Gore, a man of brilliance and character would have left behind an eight-year legacy of major and lasting accomplishments.

1 comment:

  1. If only . . . almost as sad a phrase as Juan Gatos '
    "I regret . . ."
