Sunday, January 31, 2016

I'm giving up fucking.

Michael Keaton is one of my favorite actors. So naturally I was eager to see him in the much-praised film, The Birdman. But right from the beginning it was filled with unnecessary obscenities. I'm not a prude, but I am an adult. I don't need a string of fucks and shits and every other curse to find a film entertaining, and I doubt that most people do. I also doubt that many people swear as much as the characters in movies. That's a screenwriter's hang-up. (Although I suspect you can't get a program on HBO if it doesn't have plethora of swears.) So my new rule is if there are too many gratuitous curse words, I'll turn to something more realistic and well-written. Why should I waste my time on some juvenile fuck-filled screenplay when there are still excellent dramas and comedies that have a balanced view of how people actually speak and people do no swear nearly a much as they do in the movies?

P.S. I have no idea how the plot of The Birdman progressed and I don't care.

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