Saturday, January 2, 2016


There are so many annoying people in the world. And we're all irritated by different types. Here are few of the people I detest. The man or woman on the bus who is drinking soda or coffee and eating some item when the sign clearly says NO EATING, DRINKING, OR SMOKING. Sorry I'm a rule follower and I don't like people who aren't. Also on the bus the moron who doesn't have ear buds so puts his phone or radio up to his ear so he can hear the music or ball game and the rest of us have to deal with a screechy static sound. There's always the person who stands too close to you in line. Equally annoying is the person in line who leaves a space of about six feet from everyone else making you have to stand behind them. The ditz who steps off the escalator and just stops dead creating a pile- up because they don't know where they are going. The merry band of friends and family who must travel along a city street arm in arm making it difficult for others to get by. The person on the cell phone talking too loud and as animatedly as if they were alone. The presumptuous stranger who says things like,"How about that game?" when you haven't a clue what he's talking about and couldn't care less. The female telemarketer who says, "Boy, Al you're a hard person to reach." as if she knew you. And finally  the most frequently annoying people: The couple making out in public. She to prove she's loved. He to prove he's straight. Those are just some of my pet annoyances. Expect more rants in the future.

Note: A good friend wrote to tell me the most irritating people he deals with are drivers. Since I have never learned to drive I seem to have avoided that particular annoyance.

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