Wednesday, January 6, 2016


How low will the Republicans sink in their effort to vilify President Obama. During his recent speech on stricter gun controls, he began to tear up when referring to the Newtown massacre. In the past he has shown the same kind of passion for the 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. It was a moving moment.  But not for many conservatives who are not touched by tragedy and, like robots, cannot understand those who are. Among the many conservatives seeing his tears as a weakness or  accusing him of being false in his sadness were Meghan McCain and Fox News witch Andrea Tantaros, two despicable harridans. No wonder Republicans have constantly fought against greater gun controls. Apparently when innocent people are slaughtered it doesn't affect them.

Note: When she first appeared Meghan McCain showed signs of being an admirable person. Sadly she is becoming another Liz Cheney.

Note: Thank you Trevor Noah for pointing out to Andrea Tantaros and other members of the Fox News crew just how creepy and shameful they are.

1 comment:

  1. These bitches from the party that alleges to care SO MUCH about the "unborn" apparently can't relate when the President says, "First graders. Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad."

