Friday, May 8, 2015

They just keep coming.

There must be a benefit to seeking the Republican presidential nomination that I don' t know about. If not why would so many born-losers even consider it?  Surely Bobby Jindel, Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorini, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio must know they don't stand a chance in hell of getting the nomination. And if they don't realize that, then they're too dense to be president. Rand Paul or Jeb Bush, as unworthy as they are,  might get the nod. But if they do, they can later join McCain and Romney in the "What happened?" club. So, except for these two dorks, why are the others running? To get away from the duties they're being paid for? To say they ran? Because they like flying around the country? For the fun of wasting their foolish supporters' funds?  Or is it, sadly, that they are such egotistical jerks they think they will get the nomination? Come on, Bobby, look in the mirror. Do you really see our next president grinning back at you?

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