Tuesday, May 5, 2015

No kind of a lady.

Sorry, but while everyone is interviewing and discussing and, mostly congratulating Bruce Jenner, I find him beyond annoying. While there are many genuine transgender men and women who are truly trying to find their role in the world, I think he's a fraud. Judging from the interviews I've seen, I would say he's not terribly bright (which makes him an ideal companion for the Kardashians). But more important, he's not sincere. This is not a man who has suffered role-identity so much as a thrice-married bisexual cross-dresser who wants to wear pretty dresses, apply lots of makeup, and enjoy the kind of attention that his unworthy stepdaughters are getting.

Note: During his Diane Sawyer interview I found his dismissal of President Obama's support offensive, but not at all surprising for someone stupid enough to belong to the Republican party, which detests persons like him.


  1. Well, we know he's not terribly bright, because he says he's a Republican.

  2. To further prove his lack of intellect,he actually think the Republicans will accept the new him.
