Monday, May 25, 2015

You can't have it both ways.

I don't care how many gay men "embrace" the word "queer" and come up with a stupid rationale as to how they have a adopted the word that was once used against them. That's bullshit. Queer is a word and words have meaning. Queer happens to mean, among other things, suspicious, dubious, shady, giddy, queasy, odd, mentally unbalanced, slightly mad,worthless, counterfeit. I, for one, refuse to accept those definitions as do millions of other men.Yet, a very militant group of gay men has convinced the lazy and gullible media that using that nasty term for us is swell and completely acceptable. It isn't. HuffPost uses it in some article every day, idiots that they are. Other publishers show more restraint, and I am happy to say I see a lessening of this offensive term. However, there are still masochistic gays who will get on their high horse and proclaim using the word allows them to reclaim a term that has been used against them to now define themselves. What a bunch of crap. Keep in mind the word is still frequently used as a term of hate, the only difference is that is usually preceded by the angrily spoken word "fucking."

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