Monday, June 24, 2013

It's true. It's true.

For a long time I had heard from certain persons that CDs did not have the clarity and richness of LPs. This always sounded like Luddites complaining about modern technology. And since I hadn't heard an LP in a long time, I had no means of comparison. Then I started to hear that certain rock artists insisted that their albums also be produced in LPs because the sound was better. I still didn't know for sure. The sound system I have is used for television, CDs, and DVDs. Two Christmases go, a friend gave me a turntable to add to the system. Something I never did. A, because all my records were in storage and, B,, being a Luddite myself I figured I'd never be able to hook it up. But recently I took all the records out of storage and arranged them in bookcases. And today I finally got around to hooking up the turntable. Fortunately I was alone because it was so simple I felt like an idiot for waiting so long. Now that it was set up, I had to test it.  But with which of more than 2000 records? I decided on one I hadn't heard for decades, a combination concert/show piece that nobody plays anymore: Manhattan Towers. I put the record and waited to see if I made the right connections. Apparently I did, because suddenly I heard music so rich, so clear and so vibrant that it was instantly clear to me that LPs are indeed superior to CDs. True you can hear scratches and you have to turn them over to hear side two, but the richness of sound is well worth it. Listen for yourself some time. You may not agree. I don't really care because I'm thrilled to have the joy of listening to all my old records again with a fidelity I had forgotten.

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