Saturday, June 22, 2013

Three blind mice.

How did the Bushes get back any credibility?  As far as I can see it's a family of thugs ruled by a matriarch who makes James Cagney's mother in White Heat look tame. These people have no shame, no conscience, no intellectual curiosity. The old man wasn't much of a president, and there is reason to believe, as a pilot in World War II, he cowardly abandoned his crippled plane and sent his comrades to die.  Of course his son was an even greater disaster since he abandoned all reason and morality and sent thousands to die to satisfy his ego and that of his satanic pal Cheney. And Jeb, while a good enough governor, reflects the same lack of brain power and humanity that curses the rest of the family. But because he is not as obviously stupid as George, many see him as bright. And, keep in mind, there are other siblings who have their own list of shady business deals, sexual romps, and even a national banking scandal. This is a classless family notable for gaffes, misspeaks, abused privilege, wasted wealth, dangerous ambition, and low-brow interests. The old lady had it right when she said, "We've had enough Bushes"

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