Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I don't understand why so many experts feel that Zimmerman will be acquitted of the charge or murder. Trayvon is coming home from the store. Zimmerman in his car thinks he's suspicious because he's black. He tells the police his suspicions. They say do not follow him. The leaders of the Crime Watch group told Zimmerman many times to never follow or confront a suspect. Zimmerman ignores all this advice, follows Trayvon and ends up shooting him to death. I don't care if it's self-defense or not. If he hadn't followed Trayvon and profiled him, the kid would be alive today. How can there be any justification for this death.  What difference does it make what witnesses say?  What difference does it make if Trayvon hit him first (which I doubt)? I don't even care if Zimmerman thought he was doing a good for the community. George Zimmerman through his arrogance, vigilantism, and unwillingness to obey police instructions, followed Trayon, confronted Trayvon, and killed Trayvon. What other facts does anyone need to know? Why is there a trial at all?  Zimmerman followed Trayvon who would have kept going home to his family who loved him.  But this thug prevented that by killing him. Case closed.

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