Monday, June 24, 2013


I feel like a Martian. It is inconceivable to me that hard-working, everyday people spend high prices for tickets to a game to watch sweaty millionaires bounce a ball across a court and dump it into a net.Then these same "spectators" feel a sense of personal pride when these total strangers who didn't even grow up in their community win against equally wealthy competing strangers. Not only do they feel a great sense of pride, though they have actually done nothing but sit on their asses drinking beer and eating nachos, they are heartbroken and depressed when these millionaires don't win the game. To make it even more bizarre, when these strangers win the championship, these work-a-day spectators go insane with proud admiration and even arrange for the city to close down traffic lanes to have a parade in their honor. A parade! Because they bounced the rubber ball better than anyone else, and managed to get it to fall into a net more often. The entire city goes out to honor these persons who more make money than most of them will ever see in lifetime. And for what?  Playing a game. Yet nobody seems to begrudge them the spoils of this occupation or comment on the incredible inequality. It's so foreign to me, I would think it was rare. But it is so ubiquitous that every week dozens of strangers will say to me, "Whadya think of that game". Nothing. I'm from Mars.

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