Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This Buick commercial is a complete failure. It's another one of those false, dopey, trite, poorly written and conceived ads that you hate having to see more than once. It's amazing the number of commercials today that end on some imbecilic punchline that has no humor or no logic. When the dotty grandmother says, "Just wait'll you try you his lasagna." the dopey nephew says, "But , grandma, you don't like lasagna." How real is that idiotic exchange? Plus the voice-over says, "Buick has an SUV for that." For what? Bringing home an Italian pickup. I would love to see the agency presenting this ad before the client. Did they actually think this was a really neat idea to promote a Buick?

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. I was looking this up and I was stunned this commercial hasn't unsettled more people. It's like the worst Catskills One liner turned into a 30 second ad.
