Monday, March 27, 2017


 I noticed today at Barnes & Noble that the audio book of Portraits in Courage by mass murderer/war criminal George W. Bush stated it is read by the author, meaning Bush himself. I doubt that he can write a reasonable letter, much less a book. But then, of course, the publisher also never mentions that all these mediocre paintings were created from photographs. So if you think that publishing is a noble profession, get over it. Sadly one of the most dishonest industries in America is publishing. Not only do they constantly lie about the authors of best-selling books, but they don't seem to care at all for the naivete of their consumers. Many purchasers buy a book,whether a novel or biography, believing it was written by someone they admire. Usually that someone had very little to do with that book and often would not have had the skill to complete a chapter, much less an entire volume. I'm sure most fans of Margaret Truman believe she wrote her popular mysteries. She did not. My own brother wrote a biography of Humphrey Bogart and due to legal entanglements and Lauren Bacall, the author was listed as her son. Male writers of romance novels often use female pseudonyms. And if you buy a book because your favorite actor, singer, or dancer wrote it, they probably didn't.  Slapping a celebrity's name to a title written by a ghost writer brings greater profits, but it's a deceitful practice. How many of these young actors, pop singers, or rock stars could really author a book? Not many. Mmm. I wonder who wrote A Portrait of My Father, another book supposedly written by the nearly illiterate George W. Bush.


  1. He's in denial again. Not an artist or beloved president!

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