Monday, March 20, 2017


I never doubted for a minute that James Comey deliberately released a report on Hillary Clinton's e-mails in an effort to support Donald Trump's candidacy. The guy is deceitful piece of scum. This is something he has proved conclusively today with his constant, "I'm not going to comment on that" comments during his questioning by the House Intelligence Committee. Comey is not not interested in the truth, but in protecting his job and Donald's secrets. Unfortunately for him, he had no choice but to admit that Trump's fantasy about being wiretapped by Obama was sheer paranoia. But he's walking on eggs to not offend Donald further. Forgive the vulgarity, but the clearest way I can say this is that Comey is up Trump's ass, and Trump is up Putin's ass. And while this FBI Director tries to look calm and helpful, he is terrified and obstructive . We are becoming a country without any man or woman of integrity in high office. That's scary.

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