Sunday, March 26, 2017


As I've said before, truth in advertising is over. These ads are particularly ridiculous. "What knee pain?"etc. What bullshit! Are we supposed to believe Advil is a miracle drug that instantly relieves pain and allows even elderly people to perform amazing tasks. Do people believe these lies? And all the pain products tell equally shameful lies. Bayer claims to lessen heart attacks and strokes. Not. Aleve suggests it prevents pain for a full day. Not. These advertisers are not much more honest than medicine men pushing elixirs, but as long as the FCC doesn't give a damn who lies, we'll have to sort out the truth for ourselves.
Note: The FTC has proclaimed Prevagen, a supposed memory-enhancing supplement to be hoax. But you will note it is still advertised with the same false promises as before, showing you that the product's manufacturer and the networks have no qualms against misleading you into a purchase.

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