Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"On second thought, no ice cream for me."

This commercial is disgusting on many levels, including one that didn't occur to the advertiser. None of us are interested in seeing people sneeze and using tissues. The closing segment in which the customer purchases an ice cream done with a dollar that he has been holding along with his tissues is especially repulsive. But just as repulsive is the vendor handing him an ice cream cone with his bare hands when it should be wrapped in a napkin. When this happens to me, I always decline the cone and often ask the server why they aren't being more hygienic. Once at The Country's Best Yogurt, the vendor ran his hands through his hair, was sniffling with a cold, and grabbed a cone without a napkin. As much as I like frozen yogurt, I was never able to buy from that chain again. What was the ad agency thinking when they allowed this huge logical error?

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