Sunday, August 5, 2012

Today in an interview with Candy Crowley on CNN, this little weasel suggested that Harry Reid lied when he said an informed source told him Romney hadn't paid taxes in ten years. Reid may have lied, which would be shameful. But even more shameful is the outage this toad suggested about Reid when Romney, whom he praised, himself lies at  every speech and opportunity and makes outrageous, petty and usually inaccurate comments about our president. Yet Lindsey apparently  has no objections to those lies. Later in the show, a clip showed Romney, in his snarky way calling the president insane, and suggested that he, Willard, cared deeply about the middle class. He quickly tossed in "and the poor"since he had in the past made so many gaffes showing that he didn't gave a damn about the poor. It's sad that so many ass-kissing creeps like Lindsey Graham are wiling to help lie Romney into office.

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