Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stlll walking on empty.

It's been over a year since I posted "What's in that suitcase you're carrying" but I had to bitch about it again. Why? Because I've seen so many new movies and tv shows since then and everybody's suitcase is still empty. I cannot believe there isn't one director out there who has the sense to make a character's luggage look like it has something in it. But no director does. You can be totally immersed in the scene in which the husband is packing his suit, his shirts, his shoes, a framed photo of the children, and—yes—that 15-pound football trophy. In the next shot, he's leaving the house and lo and behold he's carrying that suitcase as if it were absolutely empty, which it is. Let's take an actual film. Last night I watched The Valley of the Dolls (which for some unfair reason is rated as a bomb when it's very entertaining) and Barbara Parkins left her Massachusetts home to head off to New York City. What was she carrying? An empty suitcase. Now this was a multi-million dollar picture. I am sure they knocked themselves out about costuming, sets, makeup, continuity, and everything else. That is everything except the reality of a less-than-featherweight suitcase. I don't what the above photo is for, but this young woman is not having any slope-shouldered difficulty carrying those two suitcases.

Note: This same complaint goes for grocery bags in movies. Our heroine (It's usually a woman) drives up to the house, carries in the light-as-air grocery bags, puts them on the counter, and in the next scene is unloading such heavy items as a half-gallon of milk or watermelon.

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