Thursday, July 7, 2011

A new feature: Jerk of the Week.

It's pouring outside. It has been for hours. While Miami has never set the standard for civilized behavior, I still marvel at the thoughtlessness of some people. Today it's a company called Bilmar Electric. They are working on the house next door. Seeing as they are the only people in the world, they have parked their large white van completely across the sidewalk. Thus anyone coming down this semi-busy street in the pouring rain has to detour by walking through the wet grass of the tree lawn and stepping into the dangerous traffic of the street before returning across still more wet grass to the sidewalk once they have avoided this van. Now one could argue that Bilmar didn't notice how inconsiderate they were being. But I politely asked one of the workers if he could move their truck so pedestrians didn't have to step into the street. He grunted his annoyance at such an unreasonable request and now, an hour later, the van remains across the sidewalk in the still pouring rain. Ergo: Bilmar Electric is our first Jerk of the Week.


  1. I am changing the wording from swale to tree lawn. I hope this is not your idea of an amusing deception.
