Sunday, July 10, 2011

2011 Toyota Venza Commercial - Social Network

i find this commercial very bizarre in that it suggests that this girl, by introducing her parents to Facebook, has made them far more social. In fact, it's just the opposite. Networks like Facebook help people avoid face-to-face friendships and any kind of serious interaction. Having belonged for awhile I was amazed at the shallow items my one-time friends were posting instead of anything meaningful. Since I had no interest in where they had dinner the night before or any desire to look at their vacation photos, I cancelled my membership. That may not even be the term and it seems you can't cancel anyway as Facebook reminds you that you can always return at a moment's notice, a fact I prefer not to know. The girl herself boasts that she has 687 friends. You can imagine how deep and satisfying those friendships are. You will also notice that this social butterfly is talking to us while she sits alone in front of a computer screen.

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