Sunday, July 3, 2011

If you believe in god, don't read this.

I'm sure this post is going to offend many good friends and strangers, but c'est la vie. Simply stated, I don't understand how, in 2011, anyone can still believe in god.

How is that possible? We're surrounded by technological marvels. We appreciate that we are just one little speck in an endless universe. There is every evidence that the earth is billions of years old and that evolution is more than just a theory. Yet millions think that god just moseyed along after eons and eons to have a chat with a bunch of sandaled desert rats, limit himself to a small section of the world he supposedly created and lay down all kinds of laws which people still cling to today.And while god was with all these biblical pals he never once mentioned the rest of the universe, all the other neat places on earth, or hinted at the possibility of electricity, tv, or any other later developments. Why? Because he didn't know because he didn't exist. The bible can only relate what its inventors knew at the time. The idea that anyone, anyone, believes in heaven or hell is stupefying. Especially when they think cats, dogs and every other animal just checks out forever. The arrogance to imagine that you are so worthwhile that god can't wait to have you hanging around heaven for eternity, or that somebody else is so evil the only appropriate punishment is eternal hell. If that were true god, who does not exist, would have to be some kind of bipolar sadist, which would be why he gives some people everything and makes others lives miserable. Now while it's true that some believes in god and Christ live their lives according to the biblical teachings and are really nice people, other supposed Christians like Tony Perkins, for instance, are real shits. So believing in god doesn't even have any value. Nice people would be nice anyway and the others would be just as rotten. So here I sit at a computer in 2011 at a time when we are going farther and farther into space, when we are growing body parts, finding cures, making all kinds of astonishing discoveries and producing new inventions every day,and yet, and yet, the news is still yapping about religious battles, we still see robed and turbaned zealots left over from the 13th century and bespectacled biblical scholars are still arguing over the burning bush and where the damn ark landed. And all the while billion are living lives of misery, hunger and suffering whiile others are luxuriating in existences of comfort and extreme privilege. And most of them believe there is a god. It's mind blowing. And annoying as hell because as convinced as I am there is no god, I can't prove it; just as those who are convinced there is cannot prove it. But while they piously insist they have faith on their side, I can smugly proclaim that on my side is just plain old common sense.

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