Friday, September 17, 2010

My November campaign if I had millions.

With so much at stake this November, I can only hope that the Democrats don't screw it up with wimpy ads. Here's what I would do. Each oof these is a ten-second spot featuring an appealing and attractive person representing each each comment: a gay man or woman, a factory worker, a senior citizen, a Latino, a soldier, whatever. They would look directly into the camera, deliver their line with sincerity and incredulity. Over and out.
You're gay and you're planning to vote Republican? You're kidding!
You're a senior citzen and you're voting Republican? You're kidding!
You're Latino and you're planning to vote Republicann? You're kidding!
You make under $250,000 a year and you're voting Republican? You're kidding!
You survived on unemployment insurance and you're voting Republican? You're kidding!
You're a veteran in need of medical care and you're voting Republican? You're kidding!
Since the Republicans screw so many groups of people, there can be lots of these ads.

Note: The photos below represent the kind of attractive, intelligent faces that I would suggest for this campaign. (Apologies to Firefox if the photos overlapped.)


  1. I wonder if the people you outlined are going to be voting Republican, or just staying home.

    Can you add a "get out and vote" component?

  2. Good thought. Let me consider it. Though this is directed to Repubs.
    We might want them to stay home.
