Friday, September 24, 2010

Christ was a Democrat.

It always amazes me the number of evangelicals, Baptists, Congregationalists, Mormons, whatever, who vote Republican but call themselves Christians. A true Christian would have to be a Democrat. There's nothing complicated about it. Christ believed in providing aid, comfort, and shelter to the poor. He taught that the wealthy will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (a billionaire Christian is an oxymoron.) He believed in charity, kindness, tolerance, spreading the wealth, being a Good Samaritan—in short everything that the Republicans, as a party, are fighting against. Many of these people who label themselves as Christians are Herods, Pilates and money-changers.They are the very people that Christ tried to convert from their selfish ways to a greater sense of humanity. Frankly, I think they have a nerve calling themselves Christians. As an atheist, I follow Christ's teachings far more than most Christians, as do millions of Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, true Christians, and those with no religious affiliation. Right now we are being deluged with delusional pseudoChristians like Angle, Paul, and—God help us—O'Donnell. If these people and others like them get in and we have a Republican leadership, we will not have a Congress that believes in truth, justice and the America way. We will have powerful Phillistines who only worship power and money and have nothing but contempt for those who don't have either. Which is why getting out the vote has never been more important to Democrats and—for that matter—anyone who believes in the Golden Rule.

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