Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bald faced lies.

Is this the future of America? I hope not. Rick Scott is one of the scummy, rich politicians who feels he can buy the governorship of Florida and he may be right. After all he has millions of dollars, apparently accrued from some shady Medicare scams. But even scarier is that he will get votes despite the fact that he is so obviously unctuous. All over America we are besieged with egocentric naricissist billionaires like Scott, Carly Fiorino and Meg Whitman. One has to wonder why these people are so eager to spend millions to win a job that pays so little. And, if they are as altruistic as they pretend, why not spend the money on people and organizations in dire need? The answer is obvious: They want power more than anything else their money can buy. And each time we give one of these soulless megalomaniacs an office, we weaken our country.

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