Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stupid product indorsement.

The commercial below is one of the older Ensure commercials, but it doesn't matter because they all have the same problem. Why did they name the product Ensure if they're going to pronounce it Insure? Does anybody at that agency even notice? Has anyone said, "Excuse me, but our product, of which we are very proud, is pronounced N-sure not In-sure."? It's just one of the many commercials in which nobody seems to be in charge of diction. It's amazing how many toothpaste ads talk about dennists and dennal care. Then, of course, there's my favorite bugaboo: commercials for innanet services. I once wrote to Ethan Allen because they had a national commercial in which they referred to their selection as wond-er-ous. The word is wondrous. And, wonder of wonders, they changed the commercial to make it correct. I hope it wasn't because of me, but because lots of people care about correctness.

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