Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Delware, we've got a problem.

It is astonishing to me that Republicans in Delaware gave a nod to Christine O'Donnell. This woman, if possible, is even more whacked out than Sharon Angle. Why are the Teabaggers (Repubs) so willing to put nutcases in Congress? O'Donnell when she was on Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect more or less said she wouldn't lie to Hitler even if there were a Jew hidden in her house. She insisted that God would help her at such a moment so she wouldn't have to lie. On the same show she told Eddie Izzard that she liked his lipstick. Knowing how moralistic, uptight and zealous she is, do we believe that lipstick lie for a moment? Traditional Republicans (who are not all fundamentalist and bigots) must be as frustrated as Democrats to see what is happening to our country. For a woman who won't lie, she has a trail of questionable comments behind her like breadcrumbs. Hopefully they will all come out before November so America isn't saddled with this Sarah Palin clone. I would say this woman is frigging crazy, except she claims she doesn't believe in masturbation.


  1. She may not believe in masturbation, but she probably does partake. Similar to anti-gay leaders found having gay relations.

  2. I wonder why she's not married. Is she so anti-sex that she can't deal with any kind of relationship?
