Sunday, September 5, 2010

More dumbing of America.

There was a time when the national news seemed to hire the most articulate, the most trenchant newscasters. They spoke well. They gave you insights into the news. And, I suspect, if they made a mistake. they knew it. Not any more. Tonight in just a mere ten minutes on ABC national news, I noticed, what were to me, two glaring errors. One was a report on a charity-driven program that provided free school supplies to teachers. A great idea. But the newcaster said, "Coming up next a back-to-school sale where everything is free." If everything is free, it is not a sale. Moments later a promo for an ABC show that spoke of "...leads that didn't lead anywhere." Then, they were not leads. These are just two of many errors I notice in every newscast. Not because I am so smart, but because the networks have become so inaccurate. I think ABC, NBC and CBS should buy themselves good dictionaries and a comprehensive grammar book.

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