Monday, September 13, 2010

I hate to be pedannic, but....

It's certainly obvious by now that I think the media have got dumber and dumber. Another excellent example of their herd mentality will become more and more obvious as the political season heats up. I checked my dictionary tonight, actually two dictionaries, and—yes—the correct pronunciation for candidate is still can-dah-date or can-dah-dit. But I defy anyone to find a newscaster who doesn't say cannadit. I don't know why they are so obsessed with getting rid of the letter "d" in the middle of words, but they are. So, plan on lots of innaviews with lots of cannidits from both the West Coast and the Atlannic states in the new few months.

P.S. On last night's news Brian Williams opened with a story in which he referred so the activity being "frannic." He really should check the pronunciation on the innanet.
P.P.S. Two other words that nobody pronounces correctly (yes, some dictionaries have given in) are: era and err. While most people pronounce era as airah, it should be earah. Err is pronounced err as in her not air as in chair.

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