Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A necessary political campaign.

The media are telling us that Democrats are running scared and they're in danger of losing lots of elections come November. Frankly, I don't believe it. I don't see how it's possible for the Republicans to get the votes of blacks, whom they seem to hate; Latinos whom they have labelled as intruders and criminals; gays whom they regard as infidels and perverts; and the elderly whom they seem to feel are parasites for claiming Social Security and Medicare benefits. Who votes for these heartless people? I'll tell you. Millions of Democrats who think they are Republicans. Why? Because they are uneducated and their parents told them they were Republicans and they never gave it another thought. Not even when they're working for minimum wage or constantly being underpaid by wealthy employers. My sister, now dead, was dirt poor. She often depended on welfare, she had two children who needed assistance. She often collected unemployment. She sometimes used free clinics. She repeated all the slogans of the Republicans without any real understanding of their philosophy. She considered herself a Republican right till her death from cancer and I am sure her children think of themselves as Republicans There are millions of poor people just like her. And they're playing right into their enemy's hands. What America needs is a campaign to convince people like my sister and millions of others that they are Democrats and that's how they should vote for their best interests. Are there Republicans who think they are Democrats? Yes, of course. But let's let them keep thinking that.

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