Monday, September 30, 2019


The City of Miami protects peacocks. Wouldn't it be nice if they protected law-abiding, tax-paying residents. I don't know why these irritating birds get such privileged service. They're noisy, aggressive, dirty and have nothing to recommend them other than the supposed beauty of one or more of their flock. I hate them. My cats hate them. Yet there they are every day waddling on to my lawn, walking up my front steps, intimidating my cats and stealing their food. They force traffic to slow down until they're good and ready to get out of the way. When the mood hits them, they scream their lungs out like some animal being tortured. Yet they're protected. I have no interest in seeing them harmed, or going hungry. But it's not my job to feed them or clean up after them. If the City is so concerned about their welfare, build them a sanctuary and feed them regularly. Just get them off my lawn, out of my sight, and away from my pets.

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