Sunday, September 8, 2019


Yesterday at the supermarket, a large Mercedes van pulled into a parking space backwards,  a well-groomed man got out and went into the market.  I was sitting at an outside table having a colada. I noticed the back of his van had a Trump sticker. Interesting. What did this tell me about this obviously prosperous man?  It told me he was a racist, that he was selfish and cared nothing for struggling aliens, that he was not an ardent patriot, that he was probably a misogynist, and certainly that he was a fool to promote a mentally ill dictator who has allied himself with some of the world's most offensive tyrants. And probably he had a family who agreed with him, or were smart enough to keep their mouths shut around someone as wacko as a Trump supporter. I didn't see him come out of the store, but I did get talking with a veteran friend who has any number of ailments from serving his country. And we agreed we would love to spray paint over this idiot's bumper sticker, but being believers in freedom of speech (unlike Trump) we couldn't.

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