Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Donald Trump has a lot of faith in his daughter Ivanka. He has given her status as assistant and advisor to the President, though no one seems to have a clue what assistance or advice she has given. She sits unnecessarily in important meetings. She tags along on diplomatic trips for which she can offer nothing. She's a dependable parasite at every government event and on some occasions she has arranged these events herself at great personal (and illegal) profit. Along with her pishika husband Jared, they have become the Blondie and Dagwood of diplomacy, laughable figures but little else. In most photos Ivanka wears a stoic expression as she struts in a hideous dress from her own collection. It it rare that one ever sees what Ivanka actually has to offer, which is what makes this photo so special.

1 comment:

  1. Despair is the perfect word for my feelings about this animal!
