Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You will not questioned.

One of my short plays, "La Vie En Rose" will be presented on The Shoestring Radio Theatre this Friday, May 27. Shoestring Radio Theatre is a nationally-syndicated radio drama program featuring original radio plays by contemporary writers as well as adaptations of traditional favorites—everything from classic murder mysteries, "radio noir," and historical dramas to contemporary comedies, thrillers, and science fiction. If you are interested in tuning in, please go to their website as I haven't a clue how to instruct you and will have to figure it out myself as the day draws closer. Since nobody ever seems to leave comments on my blog (is anyone out there?) except for one dear friend (you know who you are) I won't anticipate either praise or scathing criticism for the play. Also—no—I will not ask you if you listened in as a way of testing your loyalty.

1 comment:

  1. Here are two links that might be helpful: http://www.shoestring.org/srtnatl.html http://www.shoestring.org/listen.html
