Friday, August 28, 2020


There were more than 1,500 people in last night's White House audience. There was no distancing and very few wore masks. Trump blabbed for 70 minutes, exposing his guests to infection for more than an hour. In the coming days or weeks a percentage of those "guests" will come down with coronavirus. Maybe one or two will die. The questions is will they blame Trump for risking their health and their lives for the sake of his ego? Probably not, being gullible Republicans. Still, it was wrong of him to permit such a risky situation just because he is unable to make a speech without a living fawning audience. But if you really understand Trump, you know that he doesn't care who suffers or who dies if it benefits him. Do you think he has shed a single tear or any of the Covid-19 sufferers in Tulsa? No. Does he feel any responsibility for the death of Herman Cain? He never gave it another thought. What about the thousands of dead Kurds that he betrayed to please Erdogad? Trump couldn't care less. Does he feel any shame for the children he separated from their parents and who may never be reunited? None at all. Essentially Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself, and given four more years his lack of humanity will become even more obvious. And yet many Americans plan to vote for him. If you do have a heart, please examine it before November 3.
(Below: Just a few of the Kurds betrayed by Trump and slaughtered by Erdogad's army.)

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