Saturday, August 29, 2020


Ask yourself this. Why doesn't Trump want you to have Social Security? Why doesn't Trump want you to have medical coverage? Why doesn't he want you to have a post office? Why? It's no skin of his teeth. He'll never have a problem paying a bill, making a purchase, meeting the rent. Then why does he want to make sure that you have to struggle? Worry? Work two jobs? Deny your children fun vacations or the pleasures they want? Why? Because he's mean mentally ill. That's the only explanation. Instead of taking pleasure in being so rich, he takes pleasure in keeping you so poor or middle class. He not only doesn't care if you have to strive to survive, he doesn't even care if you die. Have you seen him shed one tear for any American who died from Covid-19? And there have been thousands. No. I suspect he even had to fake mourning for his brother Robert's recent death.  He's a cold, heartless monster. Yet there are still those who plan to vote for him. Ask yourself this. Why would anyone vote for a person who doesn't care if you have social security, medical coverage, or such public convenience as a post office? Why?

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