Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Have you noticed that President Trump doesn't care who dies? Today, to promote the football season, he suggested that the players are so young and in such good shape that nothing bad could befall them. Of course he couldn't be more wrong. Thousands of young persons in good health have come down with coronavirus and many of them have died. Trump couldn't care less as long as he can brag, "I got
them to play football again." Why has it escaped so many people that Trump is nuts,  bat shit crazy, not playing with a full deck. His incompetence is already responsible for thousands of deaths, though he would never admit it.  He doesn't care if your grandmother is in pain, if your mother is coughing her lungs up, if your child is running a dangerous fever. As long as it doesn't affect him it doesn't matter. Sure, send those young athletes out to the football field. If a few of them end up on a ventilator for weeks at a time, or even die, well "it is what it is" to quote the idiot himself.

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