Monday, August 31, 2020


Consider this, If Joe Biden loses in November, it's a loss for America, but Joe and Kamala will return to respectable, productive lives. But if Trump loses, all hell breaks loose. First of all, he will then be subject to all the law suits he has been avoiding: tax evasion, sexual assault, theft, government fraud, collusion, graft. Just think, he'll be dragged into court and forced to testify. (The sex crimes alone we'll be riveting.) We'll finally see his tax papers and some of the juicier accusations that Michael Cohen suggested. But that's not the only benefit of a Trump loss. Ivanka Trump will also be arrested for her many duplicitous deals, including skimming profits during the inauguration, and felony fraud. Won't it be nice to see her bland, composed face in tears? Also Donald Trump, Jr. will be arrested along with his actually less dumb brother, Eric. We're not sure of their crimes, but we're guessing shady real estate deals, ripping off charities, lying about expenses, tax fraud, and money laundering to name just a few. (All to win Daddy's unwinnable  love and completely elusive respect.)  They might even have to pay back some of the cash they ripped off from we taxpayers, for private flights, gifts to bimbos like Kimberly, and attempts at styling. Best of all the brilliant Jared Kushner will follow in his father's shackled footsteps, as he's sure to prance off to prison for all kinds of international financial crimes. So, if you were thinking of voting for Trump because you enjoy a life of chaos and conflict, think how much more exciting life will be from he day they drag Donald Trump from the Oval Office to the day they shove him into a Rectangular Cell.

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