Sunday, August 9, 2020


There's not a lot that's great about getting old. But one of the few benefits is of being 78 is Social Security. Having that check automatically deposited in my checking account every month is very comforting. And I know that it will be a welcome relief to every other taxpayer when they reach the age of qualification. That is if it still exists.. For some sick and incomprehensible reason millionaires like Trump, McConnell and other wealthy Republicans are hell-bent on limiting or doing away with Social Security. Why? Why do they want to deny elderly Americans the wherewithal to buy groceries, pay rent, feel safe. What sadistic part of their personas is so spiteful and mean that they want to punish people they don't even know. The same is true of medical coverage. Why are the Republicans so determined to deny Americans medical coverage. As government employees, they and their families are covered for any sickness, accident, emergency. But they don't want you to have those same benefits. Why? Why don't reporters ask that question. The Democrats are more than eager to provide you with health insurance and medical coverage. So in November, if you vote for Republicans, then there must be some weird part of  you that doesn't want Social Security when you retire, or doesn't want health coverage now. Why?

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