Sunday, February 2, 2020


Dear spouses and families of traitorous Republicans. Have you noticed changes in your spouse? You know, pod under the bed changes. Is he or she more nervous, less confiding? Even if you share the same selfish philosophy, is his or hers gone too far. Has Mitch McConnell become a third person in your marriage? Do you totally understand why (let's use spouse to avoid too much repetition) spouse was willing to forsake a sacred oath and betray our country, your country, your children's country?  You know that Trump is a rotten shit, and so does your spouse. So what's going on? Is there more money, much more money, in your bank account or in a chest camouflaged in your garage? Or is it worse? Does spouse have a deep, dark secret that you don't know, but somebody does and is holding it over spouse's cowardly head. Is spouse as devoted to Trump at home as on the TV?  Does spouse spend too many nights staring at the ceiling. And when spouse came home from that tragic-for-America vote, was spouse gleeful or acting more like an unwilling participant in dynamiting the Statue of Liberty. Unless, you too, are an enemy to the United States, you had better start looking for answers.

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