Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Am presently reading Plague by Camus and rereadingThe Great Mortality about the Black Death by John Kelly. Both books are highly disturbing stories about the inescapable horror of plague, a particularly frightening subject during this recent coronavirus. Fortunately today we had greater resources to deal with a pandemic and are more likely to develop a vaccine to defeat this virus.But while we can count on medical professionals and scientists, we cannot count on our president. First of all he's a coward and not likely to go anywhere he is needed to calm a state of panic or offer solace to the sick.  Secondly he's a liar and is sure to tell Americans all is well rather when it isn't rather than have any mark against his time in office. So he's not likely to get out ahead of this possible catastrophe. Most important, of course, is that he is incredibly lazy and unable to deal with any kind of emergency and, being a narcissist, he really doesn't care who gets sick and dies as long as it isn't him. So pay close attention to news reports, stock up on face masks, and wash your hands frequently because you're living in a government that is only out to protect one person, and it ain't you.

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