Saturday, February 14, 2015

Suspension? Yeah, sure.

As most American seem to know "NBC Nightly News" announced that Brian Williams will be on a six-month suspension as the network tries to make itself worthy of viewers' trust. But as Bill Maher has said, Williams didn't lose our trust with his narcissistic lies, but just by being the anchor of crappy news show. Let's face it all the network news shows suck. ABC is constantly promoting Disney movies,  NBC and CBS have all kinds of stories somehow related to their specials. There's very little actual news, but lots of weather, sports, accidents that local news could cover, and financial reports on how well films did at the box office. Worst of all the commercials are taking up more and more time from the trivial stories they're paying for. Generally we Americans know very little about what's happening in the world because we don't actually have any in-depth news reports. But ask us what Jennifer Aniston is up to, and see how current we are. 

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