Saturday, February 21, 2015

"Future street person?"

As Americans we very often allow insane people to pretend to be normal. This is particularly true if they have some kind of skill like writing or public speaking and their mental illness isn't immediately apparent. Because we do allow this, many deranged individuals are accorded the same respect we give to mentally competent people and are often in the public eye. The media, which has no standards,  particularly appreciate these persons since they often say outrageous things that people love to read or view. Sadly when one of these people goes off the track we don't acknowledge that they should be put away, we cover their madness as if it were normal and acceptable. Once again the media make large profits from examining or repeating the crazed outburst without  ever identifying the person as crazy. Lately it seems that these persons are given more and more leeway in their madness and continued to be accepted as normal when just looking at them one can see they are not.

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