Monday, September 19, 2011

That's an odd first name.

I had hoped to find the longer version of this spot, but it isn't on YouTube. I wanted to show it to you because it has the kind of error that drives me wild. It's a copy error I find unforgivable, especially in a promotion for a university. In the longer commercial this spokesperson who is very proud of managing a network of 1000 nurses says, "My name is Doctor Kimberly Horton." You would think anyone in university would know that your title is not part of your name. And it's just as easy to say, "I'm Doctor Kimberly Horton." For the first commercial that vexed me for this reason and others, check out the following post.

Note: The other annoyance I feel about The University of Phoenix is that one their theme lines is, "We believe an educated world is a better world". Duh. And I believe that not eating glass if better for your health.

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