Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 Recently Trump attacked the Republicans. The Republicans are surprised. Why? Trump is not a Republican. He is not a Democrat. His is not a Christian, not a father, nor a husband, not anything. Trump is a self-centered creature without a soul, whose only reality is his own importance. He was the spoiled scion of a wealthy father, who once he was given millions of dollars lost all sense of reality and humanity. He saw women as prey, men as suckers, wives as proof of his virility, property as status. He had no friends other than suckups. No children other than obsequious parasites. No businesses other than grifting opportunities. He was a successful manipulator until Putin manipulated him, then his madness began to show. The presidency was his downfall. While he still had many ignorant, gullible worshippers, the majority saw his weak insignificance. Being a one-term president made him aware of his nothingness. Now his is a cipher pathetically complaining about an imagined rigged election, while lawsuits swirl around him, his madness more evident than ever. Like any mad dog, he'll bite anyone who comes near.

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