Sunday, May 15, 2016


Let me get this straight. A large number of Americans are willing to vote for a man who is a proven liar, philanderer, failure, cheat, egomaniac, braggart, fraud, bully, and catty bitch. And if that isn't bad enough, he likes Sarah Palin. Maybe that's because they have so much in common.  She frequently wrote letters to newspapers pretending to be someone else while she praised herself. And he, as we know, once called a reporter pretending to be John Miller so he could say how wonderful he is and how desirable to women.  We dodged the bullet of Palin becoming Vice President, let us hope we can avoid the nuclear bomb of Trump becoming president.

P.S. Now that McCain has said he would vote for Trump, he has proven once and for all that he is brainless idiot without any character at all.

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